Age UK North Tyneside – Havelock Place.

Age UK North Tyneside – Havelock Place

A ground breaking project will see new care facilities and services in operation by 2022

Work has commenced on a joint project between Northumberland Estates and Age UK North Tyneside. This will see the construction of specialist housing for those living with dementia.

The development will be the first of its kind in North Tyneside and is located on a three-acre site adjacent to the A19 in Backworth.


The project has evolved following extensive consultation with those living with dementia and their families, as well as North Tyneside Council. It will provide specialist housing for 40 people living with dementia or other cognitive impairment.

The scheme will create 45-50 new specialist care jobs plus management roles when doors open in 2022.

Chief Executive

Chief Executive of Age UK North Tyneside, Dawn McNally, said: “We are incredibly excited about this new development with Northumberland Estates.

“The company has invested heavily, not just in the construction of the scheme, but also in terms of expertise in housing for people in later life, pulling on advice from Stirling University and Shadbolts, the Architects.

“It has been a pleasure working with people who share the same vision – to help people make more of life.”

She added: “We believe we offer a unique approach to housing as we can offer our full range of services to our tenants, which range from community based health and wellbeing activities, to professional care and support services. If necessary, there is also the opportunity for referral in to Age UK North Tyneside’s Admiral Nurses.”

Havelock Place Specialist Housing

Havelock Place, a three-acre site will include 28 apartments for a mix of individuals and couples, and a further two bungalows, specially designed to accommodate up to twelve individuals who may present more complex needs.

Each resident will have access to a variety of high-standard communal areas that accommodate both social and private leisure activities and have access to staff who have received specialist dementia training. The scheme is unique to North Tyneside as it will focus on supporting those with dementia; all residents will have their own tenancy to maximise their financial independence, care and support tailored to individual need and provide homes for life.

Outdoor Spaces

The grounds will be landscaped to encourage residents to regularly enjoy the outdoors which will be greatly beneficial to their wellbeing. The site will be tastefully screened by trees and will also include interesting features such as a sensory garden, raised flower beds for communal gardening, as well as a wildflower meadow and fruit orchard.

Brims Construction

Plans for the development have been in the pipeline for three years and the multi-million £ project will be completed by Brims Construction.

Colin Barnes, Head of Planning and Development at Northumberland Estates, said: “This is a very exciting project for us.

“Northumberland Estates has created a number of successful developments on North Tyneside over the past few years. We are looking to put back into the community and projects such as this are one way to achieve this.

“Through Age UK North Tyneside we have been able to access invaluable advice from those living with dementia and their carers which has been incorporated into the design at all levels.

“This particular development, once completed, really will be unique and will go some way towards meeting a growing need within the local community.”

Councillor Gary Bell

Councillor Gary Bell, North Tyneside said:

“This is a new and exciting development in North Tyneside.  Working together with Northumberland Estates and EveryDay, this is an opportunity for us to create something unique that is tailored to the needs of people with dementia and that offers a well-designed housing and care service.

“This service will enable people with dementia to remain independent and live in their own home for longer.  A skilled care team from EveryDay will be based in the development 24-7 and will offer care sensitively and in response to individuals’ changing needs.

“The development will offer those with dementia the choice to live somewhere that feels like home – somewhere they can decorate and furnish – with the confidence and security offered by the building and the care team that they will be safe and well for years to come.”

To hear more about this exciting new North Tyneside specialist housing development, call 0191 280 8484 or email

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