The Great British Care Awards 2022.

We’d like to say a huge congratulations to our amazing team. We’re delighted to have had five nominations and two wins at The Great British Care Awards 2022.

Kerry Parker, Head of EveryDay Care & Support, said of our winners,

“We are so proud to have you both as part of the EveryDay team in Newcastle. Your professionalism, commitment, passion and caring approach to making every day for our customers the best it possibly can be shines through. Keep doing what you are doing. you are both absolute stars.”

Michelle Orange, winner of the Home Care Worker Award, said.

“For me it has been so unreal, hard to believe that I actually won. It’s overwhelming for me. It was an honour to be nominated, and even more to actually win. I think I am still in total shock that I did win, but it’s a good feeling to be appreciated in what I do.”

The Wallsend Community Team, who were nominated for the Care Home Team Award, said,

“We are totally overwhelmed by the nomination. We are so proud of ourselves. Our team will always be winners in our eyes #TheEveryDayGirls.”

Our Winners and Shortlisted Nominees


  • Michelle Orange – Home Care Worker Award Winner
  • Alex Rose – Home Care Coordinator Award Winner

Shortlisted Nominees

  • Julie Carver – Newcomer Award Nominee
  • Sophie Walt – Team Leader Award Nominee
  • Wallsend Community Team – Care Home Team Award Nominees

What are The Great British Care Awards?

The Great British Care Awards are a series of regional events throughout the UK and are a celebration of excellence across the care sector. The purpose of the awards are to pay tribute to those individuals who have demonstrated outstanding excellence within their field of work.

There are twenty one awards categories available for nomination, which represent all areas of the social care sector, whether it be older people or specialist services, residential or home care. From frontline staff such as care workers and care managers to people who have made an impact in other ways such as training and innovation.

The awards are all inclusive, bringing together the statutory, independent and voluntary sectors, aswell as unpaid carers; promoting joint working. Working in partnership with care partners and local care associations is at the heart of the initiative; working and linking directly with local managers and networks to further promote the event.

EveryDay Care & Support

EveryDay Care & Support is a social enterprise, formed in 2015 by the charity Age UK North Tyneside, which has been delivering professional personal care and support to people in the local community for more than 20 years.

To find out more about our award winning services, call us on 0191 287 7028 or get in touch online.

If you would like to join our award winning team, call us on 0191 287 7011 or click here to view our current vacancies.

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